Friday, August 16, 2013


Hey guys i know i haven't been on for a REALLY long time because Ive been very busy. But i want to give you advice on haters if your having trouble with bullies.
Okay well sometimes bullies will make fun of you for the way you look or the way your personality is. Bullies ALWAYS find something to make fun of. But the thing that gets me along im not sure about you but i always think in my head "Never let it get to you, keep your head up high and go along with it". So when i get made fun of for being Emo i just say "OMG thank you!" or i cuss them out ALOT then they just go away. So when or if they bullie you just pretend that you dont care say something that you have on your mind then they might back off.

Thats all i have to say on that topic.
And guys if you EVER need someone to talk to about anything then you can (:

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Wednesday, June 19, 2013