Saturday, April 20, 2013


If people are Emo, there Emo! I think that people need to stop hating on people for who they are. Lets say you were you were Goth, Emo, Punk, or whatever, how would you feel if people constantly picked on you just for being that or wanting to be that? I say people should just get on with there lives and leave the people that are different alone. They didnt do anything to you, they just changed into who they want to be and if they just changed into something different because of some personal problems they had, they should really stop picking on them then. Let people be whoever they want to be! i think Emo/Scene is really cool! im Emo and im happy with who i am. People should just deal with the fact that their different and leave them alone!!! No one should ever be treated wrong just for being who they are in this world. All im saying is to stop hating and just accept it.



Hey, guys once you see my website >>>  Emo Beauty plz leave a comment on my blog or in the chat section, you pick :) thx so much.


Hey guys, welcome to my website! if you would like to post a comment below or submit a picture to be Emo king or queen go ahead! there will be a new one EVERY week. i hope you enjoy everything here on my website! Thx